How to Turn Facebook Likes into Customers

How to turn facebook likes into customers

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Have you ever wondered how you can monetize Facebook visitors and Facebook likes?

Do you have a business such as a restaurant, a bar, a pizzeria, a wine shop, a beauty salon and you manage your Facebook page? You struggled to get thousands of Facebook likes and now what? How can you turn your newfound popularity into sales?

As you’ve probably figured out for yourself, the number of likes on your Facebook page, however high, does not correspond to the number of actual customers that your business has.

If, on the other hand, you don’t yet have a profile dedicated to your business, in this post we explain why it can be useful to create one: Facebook can be useful for developing your business?

How to enhance Facebook likes

Let’s take a step back and focus on your profile fans. The real ones are invaluable to you. You must work to try to involve them, more and more so that they visit your page and interact with the posts you publish, comment, write and share. This way your page can be used as a bulletin board where you can also publish service information, updates, and news.

What Facebook can become for your business is a tool to intercept all those users who are interested in buying from you.

How do you increasingly engage every single Facebook profile visit?

Four strategies to get likes on Facebook and turn them into sales

1.                 Schedule new content to be posted frequently and regularly (2-3 times a week). This allows you to give your followers consistency establishing habits for them that WILL allow you, over time, to become a point of reference. The more you manage to tease and awaken user engagement, the more the Facebook algorithm itself will offer visibility to your posts.

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2.                 Interact with your fans frequently, responding to all comments and stimulating conversations on your page. This way you can direct people to your products. It is especially important to inspire and create relationships based on trust.

3.                 Offer benefits to those who ‘like and comment on your posts on Facebook. You can reserve special discount coupons for your Facebook followers to encourage them to interact and, above all, motivate them to purchase. Discount coupons must be easily redeemable and accessible.

4.                 Continue to grow your page and your business by creating targeted advertisements, that is, aimed at people potentially in tune with the values of your company. Facebook allows you to create advertisements and to choose exactly the type of users you want to target, giving you a better chance to reach potential customers instead of advertising to random users. For example, all those who have visited the site. Sending advertisements to these people has a higher return than targeting random strangers. In the post Promote a Facebook page. Is it convenient? I explain little tricks to advertise your Facebook page.

How do you manage the benefits to offer to your customers? Just use Movylo.

Movylo is a platform designed to stimulate your customers’ engagement and encourage them to come back and buy from you more often.

What you need to do is invite your Facebook visitors to register on your business profile created on Movylo to receive your offers.

In this way, your contacts will start receiving regular messages and communications directly from your store. For example, to remind them that it’s already a week that they haven’t stopped by to say hello to you in the store, then to thank them for introducing you to a friend, that today is random discount day and to stop by the store to find out what discount they can receive and so on.

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Almost sounds like the work of a marketing department, doesn’t it? Don’t worry because you’re not the one who must do it directly. Autopilot handles sending messages to your customer list, and you won’t have to stand there trying to remember every single time someone has a birthday to wish them a happy birthday, for example.

In addition, Movylo, through Autopilot, will publish posts on your pages to invite those who have liked and followed you to join your customer list. You always have complete control over the settings of the autopilot, at any time you can change the defined settings.

Seeing is believing. Ask for a free consultation with a Movylo marketing expert and start converting Facebook likes into customers.

Facebook visitors in numbers

The figures are all in favor of Facebook, which recently registered a name change of the holding company that controls the platforms of the ‘family’: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and the Oculus. Metaverse is the name that was chosen. A name that evokes an entire world that unites and enhances the virtual one with the real world. Facebook’s goal is to connect people, create new connections and grow businesses.

Facebook in 2022 has been confirmed as the social network par excellence, the largest in the world for daily active users with its 2.9 billion monthly active users (Source: Facebook). There are 35.9 million active users in Italy. The average age of Italian active Facebook users is over 35 years old, as well as Facebook Messenger users. These numbers alone explain why companies’ investments in Facebook advertising are increasing. The average time spent daily by a user on Facebook is 33 minutes.

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Although in 2022 news is circulating that Facebook could be shut down in Europe, we are convinced that this moment has not come yet, and even if it ever were to happen, the void it would leave would soon be filled by similar services, which is why there is no need to worry too much.