How to Find Customers on Google My Business: 7 Tips for Small Businesses

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Google My Business is a great way for small businesses to connect with potential customers. It allows you to create a free business listing that appears on Google Maps and in search results. In this blog post, we will discuss seven tips for small businesses who want to use Google My Business to find new customers!

If you’re like most small businesses, you understand the importance of being visible online. After all, that’s where your potential customers are searching for products and services like yours. And while there are a number of ways to make your business visible online, one of the best is through Google My Business (GMB).

GMB is a free platform that allows businesses to create listings that appear on both Google Maps and in search results. In other words, it makes it easier for potential customers to find you!

So how can you use GMB to find new customers? Here are seven tips:

1. Create a complete and accurate listing

Be sure to include all of the important details about your business, such as your name, address, phone number, website, and hours of operation. And be sure to keep your listing up-to-date!

2. Add photos and videos

People love visuals, so be sure to add high-quality photos and videos of your products or services. This will help potential customers get a better idea of what you have to offer.

3) Encourage customer reviews

Customer reviews are an important part of any GMB listing. They not only show potential customers that you’re reputable, but they can also help improve your ranking in search results. So be sure to encourage your happy customers to leave reviews!

4) Respond to reviews

In addition to encouraging customer reviews, you should also make it a point to respond to them. This shows that you’re active on GMB and that you care about your customers’ experiences.

5) Use keywords wisely

When creating your GMB listing, be sure to use relevant keywords that potential customers might use when searching for businesses like yours. But don’t stuff your listing with too many keywords! Google will penalize you for keyword stuffing.

6) Post updates regularly

GMB allows businesses to post updates, which appear in search results and on Maps. These updates are a great way to keep potential customers up-to-date on what’s going on with your business. Just be sure not to overdo it!

7) Monitor your Insights

GMB provides businesses with valuable insights, such as how many people have viewed your listing and how they found it. This information can help you fine-tune your GMB strategy and find even more potential customers.

There you have it! Seven tips for using GMB to find new customers. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!